League of Legends When Does Season 8 Start?

League of Legends or LOL can be heard anywhere. Adults and teenagers discuss new updates, strategies, battles, characters. New season is like a new breath, so fresh and so long-awaited. LOL season 8 will start on January 16, 2018. While we have some time, we can come to exact conclusions of the battles we had. It’s important to be able to face your fails, your strong and weak points. If you get and accept what you did wrong, the new season will bring you only pleasure and wins.
The Features of LOL Preseason and What Is Going On During This Period
Before League of Legends new season, developers have also extra time to improve the whole game. The secret of success of LOL is a constant developing and improving. LOL preseason is a kind of the calm before the storm. The storm is the future competitions, full of battles, quarrels, fights, excellent triumph and sometimes disappointing fails. Developers are going to renew the game to get deeper, clearer and more fulfilling game process. What is the plan to start season 8 LOL Before a new season starts, developers do their best not to disappoint gamers. Below is a plan what will be developed or changed for getting more exciting and interesting game:
- Varying the game process and strategies regarding reviews and totems
- A gamer in any role and at any position could feel the development of his character and the growth of the power proportionately with a gamer’s skills.
- Improving the course of the game and decreasing the effect of “snowball” for teams.
Expected Changes in League of Legends and Secrets About New Season 8
The team of developers is ready to disclose secrets about changes in League of Legends season 8. Currently the system of runes and talents is pretty difficult, that’s why developers decided to pay attention at it. The new system of runes will have fewer options to select, and that means, each of them will have more value. In the previous seasons there were 60 separate slots, but just the smallest part influences on the game process of your championship. The majority gives to your character “must-have” characteristics, such as speed of attack, armour and opposition of the magic. Because of it the selection of runes and talents becomes a routine.
Developers decided to put on the back burner “must-have” characteristics and to center on what really matters. The key talents are the first check of this theory - to concentrate the power on separate options. As the key talents, new runes will help not to focus on passive parameters, but on the effects, which determine the game style.
How Does It Work in League of Legends and What Gamers Should Know to Succeed in New Season 8
When LOL season 8 starts you will find out that you have 6 runes, which are divided into 3 categories: key, big, small.
Key Runes in LOL
You have a chance to select only one key rune. They are more powerful, than the key talents. These runes, displaying at the screen of the loading will influence on the whole game process. The key runes have powerful, noticeable effects, which determine the game style of your championship. It’s possible to wait some time and to increase suddenly the attack rate and destroy the opponents. In addition, you could have a pet, which would follow all the time and help you to fight.
Big Runes and Their Advantages in New Season 8 LOL
The big runes are considered to be the most innovative in the whole system. They include powerful effects, special sound, visual effects in the game. You will be able to see when they work and how they change the quality of the game. One of such runes is called Extra Health. That means you can play more, because a kind of armor will protect you during the exact time. There is also a big rune: Totem-zombie. If you destroy the opponent totem, instead of it you can see your own Totem-zombie. Totem-zombies are visible for everyone, and exist during 180 seconds. They help to get more advantages from limitation of enemies’ visibility. Depriving of opponents’ visibility, you extend your own visibility and increase the limit of the totems, which can exist at the same time.
Small Runes and How They Can be Useful in LOL New Season
The small runes are almost unnoticeable, they have not so much influence like other ones, but they have their role in the game process. They are able to accent the specialization of your character. There are different effects:
- raising your parameters
- increasing the armor
- extra free things
Each small rune has a power to help you to increase the power of your character. One of the great examples of the small runes is the Extra Charge. This rune helps to fight better with more power and energy. Its function is in shortening recharge. It helps to have a stronger attack and better armor. It should be mentioned about the small rune called the Essence Thief. If someone of opponent minions dies near you, you get extra health, even if it wasn’t you, who killed him.
League of Legends in New Season 8 or A Game Which Can’t Stop Surprise You
LOL season 8 start date will bring many emotions and surprises. So, now it’s time to tell about the process of choosing the runes. They are connected with ways, which have their own theme, identity and the set of mechanics. For example, the way of dominating is created for gamers who want to watch their opponents. Each way has the set of slots, where you need to select one rune from three. Each slot has the exact goal. For example Extra Charge is located in the slot, oriented at damaging and this rune is one of the three similar runes. There are 4 slots for each way: one of them is for the key rune, one more is for the big rune and two slots for the small runes. Let’s have a look at possible variations, which could be offered by one slot of the way of dominating. The basis could be a classical talent, the Headhunter. It was a very popular talent, but because of limited current talents it was difficult to give him any effect, except a general increasing the damage. All three new variations of the Headhunter use the usual model of charge deposit (kill each opponent champion and get bonuses), but in addition they present other rewards at LOL season 8, letting you to get what is the most useful for you in the game.There are such variations of this talent:
- A Pitiless Hunter. This talent increases the speed of movements out of the battle. You get charges for the killed champion.
- An Inventive Hunter. He shortens the time of charging of active subjects. You get charges of the Headhunter each time when you kill an opponent.
- An Insatiable Hunter. He has a power to increase the magic vampirism by 2 % for each charge of the Headhunter. You get them for each murder of the opponent.
- The Essence Thief. He increases the level by 1 point, when an opponent minion dies near you (he can be killed not by you).
- Without Panic. The power of cure and armor is increased by 5%.
- Panic. The speed of movement is increased by 10%.