From Russia With LoL: Coolest Accounts for Sale

If you’re still considering whether it is a good idea to buy a League of Legends Russia account, you should keep one thing in mind. An already leveled up profile for sale makes it possible for you to skip all that repetitive experience farming, plunging into the high-level game instead.

And we have not even mentioned how affordable it is! You will hardly find an online store that sells hand leveled accs with such low price tags. So, maybe you should really get yourself an account you’ve always wanted.

Are You Ready to See How They Play League of Legends in Russia?

Do you know that you can filter the catalogue using the respective feature? Just let the system know what you’re interested in and you will see the best offers. Here are the criteria you can use to customize and filter the accounts:

Champion’s role on the battlefield
Ranking tier (unranked accs, too)
Presence of rare skins
Server region

You will surely find something to your liking for a good price. It might be a good idea to buy it while it’s still for sale — the store cannot sell items forever and somebody else could snatch it from under you.

Currently Selected

Available accounts: 134
  • Level 30+ / Unranked
  • Server - Russia
  • Champions: 30 - 49
  • Skins: 0 - 50
  • BE: 0 - 35 000
  • RP: 0 - 3 000
  • Warranty included

Does LoL Russian Server Have Anything Special?

Obviously, Russian server is a gaming haven for mostly Russian-speaking players. You should expect lots of cyrillic letters in the chat, too. Slavic audience will ensure that you have tons of fun playing LoL on this server.

Is It Possible to Transfer My Account to Another Server?

Yes, you will be able to switch over to some other region. It will cost you 2600 RP or a special transfer token which is given during certain in-game events.

Modern, Smart, Convenient: Meet

SmurfStore will surely exceed your expectations in terms of quality items it sells, excellent service and unbelievable customer support. Be sure to find something you like, buy it, and join the LoL Russian League community. Here you can see some advantages of this online store:

Fantastic collection of hand leveled accounts for sale
Helpful and responsive 24/7 customer support via live chat
Instant deliveries
Protection of customer data and payments
Fair and modest price

You will be able to link your own email to each account your buy, no matter whether it is verified or not. Should you have any questions, be sure to contact our customer support team.

Is It Safe to Buy LoL Russia Accounts on This Website?

Yes, it is, thanks to the reliable PayPal, other payment methods and SSL — an advanced cryptographic protocol that ensures the secure connection between a client and a server.

Is It Possible That I Lose My Account?

Since does not sell botted accs, you should not get banned for botting-related reasons. If you do get banned for some player-unrelated reasons, the store will provide you with a substitute account.

Be sure to find some great League of Legends Russia Account and engage in advanced competition!